Table 1

Predictor characteristics of Leon, synthetic control units by outcome

PredictorLeonSynthetic Leon (n=12)*
AXA insurance claimsPolice-reported collisionsVital registration
Intersection density, 2018†19.215.610.915.813.216.216.311.0
Population density, 2018†86756898678866707306659264946659
Patch density, 2011 (fragmentation)
Alcohol outlets density, 2016/2018†
% population male, 201847.847.748.147.847.747.847.849.5
% population 15–34 years old, 201835.435.835.935.435.835.435.436.0
Total urban area, 2011 (km2)16 504939410 81887339518913194329561
  • Values for predictors vary between synthetic control units for each outcome due to differing weights of each donor municipality. See online supplemental appendix table 1 for more details about each predictor and online supplemental appendix table 2 for more details on the weights for each municipality within each synthetic control unit.

  • *Because the synthetic control set weights may be different for different outcomes, the characteristics of each synthetic control vary and thus are shown by outcome.

  • †Per km2.