Table 2

Trick categories and examples

Trick category nameDescription and examples
Jump tricksTricks that involved a skateboard jump. This includes ollies and Indy grabs.
FlipsTricks that involved the jump and flip of the skateboard. This includes kickflips and heelflips.
Lip tricksTricks that involved balancing on the lip of a feature (eg, quarter pipe). This includes half cab rock to fakie, full cab rock, rock and roll, rock to fakie and any other lip trick observed.
TurnsTricks that involved the turning of the skateboard. This includes front kickturns, back kickturns and axel pivot to tail.
SlidesTricks that involved the board sliding on the feature. This includes grind, slide and manual.
StallsTricks that involved the skateboard stalling/suspended in a position. This includes tail stall, 50–50 stall, drop in and axel to drop in.
OtherTricks that did not meet other criteria. This includes biebelheimer, nollie shove it and fakie fs 180.