Table 2

Non-fatal falls-attributable fraction of expenditures and associated healthcare spending according to payer: 2017, 2019 and 2021, Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey and 2020 National Health Expenditure Accounts, USA

PayerAttributable fraction, % (95% CI)2020 Healthcare spending, billion $ (95% CI)
Medicare9.0 (5.3 to 12.8)53.3 (31.1 to 75.6)
Medicaid3.1 (−11.0 to 17.2)3.5 (−12.2 to 19.2)
Private/out of pocket/other6.8 (3.8 to 9.7)23.2 (13.2 to 33.2)
Total80.0 (32.1 to 128.0)