Table 1

Characteristics of current firearm owners (n=1630) by motivation, the USA, 2023

CharacteristicPrimary motivation for owning a firearm
NProtection (N=1284)Other (N=346)P value*
All respondents163078.8 (76, 81)21.2 (19, 24)
 Age, years163050.0 (15.9)53.5 (16.5)0.032
  Male67.4 (64.0, 71.0)87.2 (83.0, 90.0)
  Female32.4 (29.0, 36.0)12.5 (9.2, 17.0)
  Transgender0.1 (0.04, 0.37)0.4 (0.11, 1.3)
  White72.1 (69.0, 75.0)85.5 (81.0, 89.0)
  Black11.7 (9.9, 14.0)2.2 (1.3, 3.9)
  Hispanic12.6 (11.0, 15.0)9.4 (6.9, 13.0)
  Asian1.4 (0.77, 2.6)1.1 (0.29, 3.7)
  Other2.2 (1.5, 3.1)1.8 (1.1, 3.0)
  Less than high school1.4 (0.36, 5.5)4.7 (1.6, 13)
  High school26.5 (22.0, 31.0)18.2 (12.0, 26.0)
  Some college4.8 (3.8, 6.1)7.9 (5.2, 12.0)
  Bachelor’s degree or higher67.2 (63.0, 71.0)69.2 (61.0, 76.0)
 Employment status15980.063
  Full time or part time68.2 (65.0, 72.0)61.4 (55.0, 68.0)
  Not employed31.8 (28.0, 35.0)38.6 (32.0, 45.0)
 Annual household income, US$14980.3
  <US$36 00013.2 (11.0, 17.0)10.2 (5.9, 17.0)
  US$36 000–US$59 99916.6 (14.0, 20.0)14.9 (10.0, 21.0)
  US$60 000–US$119 99940.1 (36.0, 44.0)36.6 (30.0, 43.0)
  US$120 000+30.1 (27.0, 34.0)38.3 (31.0, 46.0)
 Community of residence16300.055
  Urban16.7 (14.0, 20.0)10.2 (7.3, 14.0)
  Suburban50.3 (46.0, 54.0)51.4 (44.0, 59.0)
  Rural33.1 (30.0, 37.0)38.4 (32.0, 46.0)
 Marital status16300.13
  Single/never married17.8 (14.0, 22.0)14.0 (8.6, 22.0)
  Married/partnered68.2 (64.0, 72.0)76.4 (69.0, 82.0)
  Divorced/separated/widowed14.0 (12.0, 16.0)9.6 (7.0, 13.0)
 Children (<18 year) living in the household16130.15
  Yes31.0 (27.0, 35.0)24.9 (19.0, 32.0)
  No69.0 (65.0, 73.0)75.1 (68.0, 81.0)
 Served in US military12930.2
  Yes19.0 (16.0, 22.0)22.7 (18.0, 29.0)
  No81.0 (78.0, 84.0)77.3 (71.0, 82.0)
  Christian (eg, Protestant, Catholic)74.2 (70.0, 78.0)66.4 (59.0, 73.0)
  Non-Christian (eg, Jewish, Muslim)2.3 (1.5, 3.4)3.0 (1.4, 6.5)
  No religion (eg, atheistic, agnostic)23.5 (20.0, 27.0)30.6 (24.0, 38.0)
 Political affiliation15770.2
  Republican40.3 (36.0, 44.0)34.3 (28.0, 41.0)
  Democrat17.4 (15.0, 20.0)21.9 (17.0, 28.0)
  Independent party/other42.3 (38.0, 46.0)43.8 (37.0, 51.0)
Contextual factors relating to firearm interactions and societal attitudes
 Grew up with a firearm in the home1606<0.001
  Yes80.9 (77.0, 84.0)91.0 (87.0, 94.0)
  No19.1 (16.0, 23.0)9.0 (6.3, 13.0)
 Know of anyone who has been shot or killed by firearm1582>0.9
  Yes35.6 (32.0, 39.0)36.0 (30.0, 43.0)
  No64.4 (61.0, 68.0)64.0 (57.0, 70.0)
 Believe that others’ have clear moral standards16303.8 (1.2)3.8 (1.3)0.4
 Believe that people know who they can trust/rely on16302.9 (1.2)3.3 (1.2)<0.001
Firearm motivations and behaviours
 Type of firearm owned1627<0.001
  Handgun only34.2 (30.0, 38.0)0.0 (0.0, 0.0)
  Long gun only5.6 (4.0, 7.7)0.0 (0.0, 0.0)
  Handgun and long gun60.2 (56.0, 64.0)100.0 (100.0, 100.0)
 Number of firearms owned10300.011
  10.4 (0.13, 1.2)0.6 (0.12, 3.1)
  215.8 (13.0, 20.0)9.5 (6.7, 13.0)
  319.1 (15.0, 24.0)11.9 (7.4, 19.0)
  4+64.7 (60.0, 70.0)77.9 (71.0, 84.0)
 Purchased a firearm for the first time in the last 12 months16300.023
  Yes6.3 (4.0, 9.6)2.1 (0.81, 5.1)
  No93.7 (90.0, 96.0)97.9 (95.0, 99.0)
 Carried a firearm outside of their home16300.059
  Never41.9 (38.0, 46.0)49.6 (42.0, 57.0)
  Once or more58.1 (54.0, 62.0)50.4 (43.0, 58.0)
 Carried for protection9190.022
  Yes5.6 (3.3, 9.2)1.4 (0.42, 4.5)
  No94.4 (91.0, 97.0)98.6 (95.0, 100.0)
 Carried for recreation921<0.001
  Yes58.8 (53.0, 64.0)87.2 (81.0, 92.0)
  No41.2 (36.0, 47.0)12.8 (8.2, 19.0)
  • Percentages (%) and corresponding 95% CI are given for categorical variables while mean and SD are given for continuous variables. N represents the effective sample size and deviate from unweighted sample sizes.

  • *Wilcoxon rank-sum test for complex survey samples; χ2 test with Rao and Scott’s second-order correction.