Table 1

Mean suicide poisoning deaths per year in NPDS compared with CDC WONDER databases

Suicide poisoning deaths in NPDS*
Mean (SD)
Suicide poisoning deaths in WONDER†
Mean (SD)
Percentage of suicide poisoning deaths in WONDER constituted by suicide poisoning deaths in NPDS
% (SD)
 06–19 years33 (9)140 (36)24 (4)
 20–29 years85 (12)596 (54)14 (2)
 30–39 years115 (17)1006 (104)12 (2)
 40–49 years156 (26)1596 (246)10 (2)
 50–59 years148 (44)1569 (336)9 (2)
 60–69 years85 (43)729 (281)11 (2)
 70–79 years40 (22)311 (93)12 (3)
 80+years27 (11)202 (36)13 (3)
 Male307 (55)3257 (233)9 (2)
 Female391 (94)2892 (384)13 (2)
Total699 (145)6150 (577)11 (2)
  • *America’s Poison Centers’ National Poison Data System (NPDS).

  • †Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (WONDER).