Table 1

Modules for training peers on lifejacket wear

Course detailsMode of deliveryDuration
Module 1
What is drowningLectures, storytelling, role play5 hours
Case scenarios on drowning
Definition of a lifejacket and other personal floatation devices (PFDs)
Roles of peers in promoting lifejacket wear
Why use a lifejacket
How a lifejacket works
Module 2
Different types of lifejackets?Lecture, demonstrations3 hours
Selection of right type of lifejacket
Characteristics of a good lifejacket
Who should use a lifejacket
Module 3
Correct donning procedures for lifejacketDemonstrations, role play, lectures3 hours
When should you wear a lifejacket?
Care for your lifejacket
What you should do
Convincing a person to wear a lifejacket
  • PFD, Personal Floatation Device .