Table 4

Factors associated with failing to look out for vehicles before crossing

FactorsN=2100N (% never looked out for vehicles)CrudeAdjusted
Prevalence ratio95% CIPrevalence ratio95% CI
Child supervised
Yes346107 (30.9%)RefRef
No1754131 (7.5%)0.2(0.19 to 0.30)0.3(0.19 to 0.33)
Afternoon40269 (17.2%)Ref
Evening88378 (8.8%)0.5(0.38 to 0.70)0.7(0.47 to 0.96)
Morning81591 (11.2%)0.7(0.49 to 0.87)0.9(0.67 to 1.25)
Nearest vehicle type
Two wheels65554 (8.2%)RefRef
Four wheels1153139 (12.1%)1.5(1.08 to 1.97)1.3(0.99 to 1.76)
  • Ref, reference.