Table 1

Characteristics of fatal drowning in California, 2005–2019

UnintentionalIntentionalUndeterminedAll intents
Coding of drowning cause of death
Age group
 White, non-Hispanic386750.767958.922949.7477551.7
 Asian, non-Hispanic83010.917615.35912.8106511.5
 Black, non-Hispanic5617.4756.5449.56807.4
 Two or more races1892.5332.9204.32422.6
 AI/AN, non-Hispanic720.9770.8
 Hawaiian/PI, non-Hispanic240.3310.3
 Other, non-Hispanic250.3*390.4
 Non stated or unknown140.2180.2
Body of water
 Unknown natural water*280.3
Drowning event region
 North Coast4856.4373.2153.35375.8
 Superior California95512.5726.37816.9110512
 San Francisco Bay Area78510.343237.511124.1132814.4
 Central Coast5357877.62356457
 N.San Joaquin Valley7559.9393.4153.38098.8
 S.San Joaquin Valley6939.1**7428
 Los Angeles102013.411510398.5117412.7
 Inland Empire78610.3*8419.1
 San Diego-Imperial6909.114812.8122.68509.2
  • *Values >11 not visible to protect the confidentially of individuals summarised in the data.

  • †Values <11 not visible to protect the confidentially of individuals summarised in the data.

  • AI, American Indian; AN, Alaskan Native; PI, Pacific Islander.