Table 3

Descriptive statistics for falls on sports flooring and regular flooring

Sports flooringRegular flooringMissing (%)
n falls164573
Age (m (SD))87.28 (6.05)86.49 (6.38)2.8
Women (n (%))*81 (49.7)392 (68.4)0.1
BMI (kg/m2) (m (SD))24.42 (4.25)24.60 (4.59)25.1
Visual impairment (n (%))68 (56.7)309 (57.1)10.3
Sedatives/tranquillisers/neuroleptics (n (%))79 (50.3)235 (42.1)3.0
Antidepressants (n (%))*84 (53.5)176 (31.5)3.0
Cognitive impairment (n (%))*48 (41.7)287 (65.8)25.2
Walking ability (n (%))*14.5
 Safe walker35 (29.4)127 (24.9)
 Unsafe walker61 (51.3)338 (66.1)
 Non-walker23 (19.3)46 (9.0)
Injured (n (%))41 (25.0)169 (29.5)0.0
Injury severity (n (%))*0.1
 None123 (75.0)404 (70.6)0.1
 Minor24 (14.6)133 (23.3)
 Moderate13 (7.9)21 (3.7)
 Severe4 (2.4)13 (2.3)
 Death0 (0.0)1 (0.2)
Location (n (%))0.0
 Bathroom0 (0.0)126 (22.0)
 Corridor0 (0.0)79 (13.8)
 Dining room/common area0 (0.0)147 (25.7)
 Bedroom/apartment164 (100.0)221 (38.6)
Activity (n (%))*0.0
Falls from sitting/lying height11 (6.7)35 (6.1)
Falls when transferring between bed and wheelchair28 (17.1)92 (16.1)
Falls from standing height30 (18.3)134 (23.4)
Fall when walking from and to bed39 (23.8)86 (15.0)
 Unknown56 (34.1)226 (39.4)
Hip protector (n (%))*1 (4.2)76 (31.3)63.8
Time of day (n (%))*
 10:00–14:0016 (9.8)121 (21.1)0.0
 02:00–06:0033 (20.1)52 (9.1)
 14:00–18:0025 (15.2)139 (24.3)
 06:00–10:0031 (18.9)73 (12.7)
 18:00–22:0021 (12.8)115 (20.1)
 Unknown38 (23.2)73 (12.7)
  • *Differs significantly (p<0.05) between falls on sports floors and falls on regular floors according to Χ2 tests.

  • BMI, body mass index.