Table 1

Rates of home and work-related injuries in the sample population

Category (whole sample—injured and uninjured)Home injuries
n (rate per 1000)
Work injuries
n (rate per 1000)
Female (n=8704)86 (9.9)34 (3.9)
Male (n=8889)55 (6.2)79 (8.9)
Χ2=0.513, p>0.05†
Bakaiya (n=3023)30 (9.9)48 (15.9)
Hetauda (n=11 485)90 (7.8)37 (3.2)
Thaha (n=3085)21 (6.8)28 (9.1)
Χ2=37.112, p<0.001†
Age groups
Infants (n=258)**
1–14 years (n=3738)47 (12.6)7 (1.9)
15–24 years (n=3662)10 (2.7)21 (5.7)
25–44 years (n=5617)36 (6.4)41 (7.3)
45–64 years (n=3146)31 (9.9)36 (11.4)
65+ years (n=1172)15 (12.8)8 (6.8)
Family size
Small family (up to 4 members) (n=7512)42 (5.6)35 (4.7)
Medium family (5–8 members) (n=8585)82 (9.6)65 (7.6)
Large family (9 or more members) (n=1496)17 (11.4)13 (8.7)
Χ2=16.923, p<0.001†
Rai (n=334)*7 (21.0)
Brahmin (Hill) (n=2481)35 (14.1)22 (8.9)
Kami (n=510)**
Chhetri (n=1882)12 (6.4)16 (8.5)
Tamang (n=8409)55 (6.5)49 (5.8)
Newar (n=1091)11 (10.1)*
All other ethnicities (n=2885)18 (6.2)16 (5.5)
Total (N=17 593) 141 (8.0) 113 (6.4)
Χ2=16.923, p<0.001†
  • Cells with less than five observations removed.

  • *Estimated number of people for ethnicity based on the proportion of census data 2011.

  • †Post hoc analyses to test statistical difference in rates for both injury types combined.