Table 1

Results of the logistic regression performed to examine the potential influence of four factors related terrain park feature compliance with the guide. During the 2017–2018 season, the compliance of 59 terrain park features was assessed in seven Québec ski areas (Canada)

FactorCharacteristicPercentage of compliance estimated (95% CI)*Statistical significance†
Size of the terrain parkSmall90.9 (80.8 to 95.9)0.79
Medium93.8 (85.3 to 97.6)
Large92.4 (86.6 to 95.9)
Size of the featureSmall92.7 (76.7 to 98.0)0.98
Medium92.0 (86.2 to 95.5)
Large93.0 (87.2 to 96.3)
Very large92.1 (84.9 to 96.1)
Snow conditions‡Soft snow90.6 (81.6 to 95.4)0.49
Groomed snow95.2 (87.7 to 98.2)
Hard snow or ice90.6 (84.5 to 94.5)
Type of featureBox93.1 (83.7 to 97.2)0.97
Rail92.4 (85.9 to 96.1)
Jump91.8 (82.4 to 96.4)
  • *A mixed effects logistic regression model was developed to examine the potential influence of four factors related terrain park feature compliance with the guide. The four factors were treated as fixed effects and the location of features (ski areas) was treated as a random effect (corrected model, p=0.75)

  • †Statistical significance estimated with a p value (alpha 0.05).

  • ‡Only three of the seven snow conditions were observed during the study period.