Table 2

Communication strategies

StudyDesignTime periodCountry (region)InterventionResultsDirection of association
Etzersdorfer and Sonneck 1998S2 Prospective
Field Experiment
1980–1996Austria (Vienna)National media reporting guidelines for suicide were released in mid–1987.Following the implementation of the media reporting standards the number of people who died by suicide on the Viennese subway system dropped from nine in 1987 to two in 1988.Total: -
Niederkrotenthaler and Sonneck, 2007S3 Interrupted time series1946–2005AustriaNational media reporting guidelines for suicide were released in mid–1987.The media guidelines were associated with a significant reduction in the number of annual suicide mortalities (β=−80.95; 95% CI −149.11 to –12.78; p=0.024).Total: --
Till et al 2013S4 Pre–post, with control group2011Austria (Styria)In 2011, the city of Styria launched an awareness campaign through billboards and info screens in public areas aimed at suicide prevention and increasing help seeking behaviours.There was a small increase in the number of suicide mortalities from 52 during the control period (January–March) to 69 during the intervention period (April–June) in 2011 (χ²=1.13; p=0.28).Total: +
Matsubayashi et al 2014S5 Time series2010–2012Japan (Nagoya)In 2009, a city-wide campaign was launched to increase the awareness of depression and heighten help seeking behaviours.There was a significant decrease in the number of suicides 2 months following the distribution of campaign materials (incidence rate ratio=0.97; 95% CI 0.96 to 97). The impact was greater in men compared with women.Total: --
Male: --
Female: --
  • +, not statistically significant increase; -, not statistically significant reduction; β, beta coefficient; --, statistically significant reduction; ++, statistically significant increase.