Table 3

Differences in MVCs stratified by number of vehicles included in crash during post-stay-at-home order, comparisons between 2020 and average of 2019, 2018 and 2017

Outcome modelsPost-stay-at-home order-2020 compared with average of 2019, 2018 and 2017
Incidence rate ratio (IRR)95%
P value
All type crashes0.80(0.73 to 0.88)<0.00
 Single1.47(1.20 to 1.82)0.00
 Multiple0.66(0.62 to 0.71)0.00
Any injury crash0.83(0.74 to 0.91)0.00
 Single1.34(1.13 to 1.59)0.00
 Multiple0.68(0.61 to 0.75)0.00
Non-injury crash0.79(0.72 to 0.87)0.00
 Single1.52(1.20 to 1.92)0.00
 Multiple0.66(0.61 to 0.70)0.00
Fatal crash1.66(0.97 to 2.84)0.06
 Single2.35(1.19 to 4.64)0.01
 Multiple1.08(0.68 to 2.42)0.84
  • Model specified a Poisson distribution of the outcome with a log transformed VMT as population offset. Robust SEs were specified for a more conservative estimate of coefficients. Model includes linear time, average daily precipitation and average daily highest recorded temperature. Comparison during post-stay-at-home order (order effective in Connecticut on 23 March 2020). VMT, vehicle miles travelled.

  • Bold Values note statistical significance <=0.05.