Table 3

Merging of similar or duplicate strategies for use at phase 4 of the Delphi

Revised river drowning prevention strategyOriginal strategies combined (see online supplementary Table S4)
Apply a risk rating system1
Wear a life jacket2–7
Avoid open water at night8
Swim/recreate/wash/bathe only in designated safe places13–17
Caregivers maintaining active supervision18
Do not engage in water recreation alone19
Barriers between child play areas and rivers20–21
Strategies to survive cold water immersion22
River safety education including recognition and awareness of hazards23–35
Community-wide rescue and resuscitation skills36–37
Raise awareness of the risks of drowning from alcohol38–42
Public rescue equipment available43
Learn to swim with a focus on survival swimming skills44–45
Build safe and accessible infrastructure such as bridges46
Designing the urban landscape to improve safety47–51
Close flooded roads and/or use physical barriers (such as booms)52–54
Prohibiting/Restricting alcohol use55–58
Establish effective early warning systems59–61
Community risk mapping and assessment to formulate targeted prevention programme62–65
Sustainable land use to prevent flooding66
Other (please specify)