Table 1

Coding framework and definition of themes for focus groups

AcceptabilityLanguage and reading skills/motivationAny discussion or points made regarding willingness or ability of parents to engage with written or spoken information or questions
EngagementAny discussion or points made regarding interest in taking part in or attention paid to discussions, demonstrations, or engaging with printed materials
Importance and relevance of messagesAny discussion or points made regarding staff or parents’ feelings towards importance of intervention messages and the relevance they have to parents
Printed materials as communication toolsAny discussion or points made about the role of printed materials as a tool for communicating intervention messages
Attitudes towards intervention contentAny discussion or points made regarding attitudes of parents and staff towards the content of the intervention
Practicality*TimeAny discussion or points made about the time demands of delivering the intervention
Ease of deliveryAny discussion or points made about how easy the intervention was to deliver
Limited efficacyNAAny discussion or points made in relation to how the intervention has affected parents’ awareness of dangers or behaviour with hot drinks around children
ImprovementsNAAny discussion or points made in relation to ways in which the intervention could be improved
  • *Practicality was only addressed in staff focus groups.

  • NA, not applicable.