Table 2

The distribution of fatal drowning by body of water in the Western Cape, 2010–2016

Location by body of waterChildrenAdultsAll
0–4 years5–19 yearsMaleFemaleMaleFemale
Ocean and lagoons1.6 (3)22.5 (78)17.6 (72)6.9 (9)39.3 (276)23.6 (30)28.6 (398)
Ponds, dams and lakes15.2 (29)37.2 (129)32.8 (134)18.5 (24)24.2 (170)18.1 (23)25.5 (355)
Rivers and canals11.0 (21)20.5 (71)17.2 (70)16.9 (22)25.5 (179)40.2 (51)23.7 (329)
Swimming pool34.0 (65)15.3 (53)20.6 (84)26.2 (34)6.1 (43)10.2 (13)12.5 (174)
Fresh water and storage tanks22.0 (42)4.3 (15)9.1 (37)15.4 (20)3.1 (22)3.1 (4)6.0 (84)
Bath16.2 (31)0.3 (1)2.7 (11)16.2 (21)1.8 (13)4.7 (6)3.7 (51)
P valueP<0.0001*P<0.0001†P<0.001‡
  • p<0.0001d

  • Values are proportions with numbers (n) in parentheses. P-values indicate significance of Chi-square test for independence for a0-4 years vs 5–19 years, bmale vs female children, cmale vs female adults, and dchildren vs adults. Total n=1391, age and/or sex unknown in 23 cases.

  • Values are proportions with numbers (n) in parentheses. P-values indicate significance of Chi-square test for independence for

  • *0-4 years versus 5-19 years.

  • †Male versus female children.

  • ‡Male versus female adults.

  • §Children versus adults. Total n=1391, age and/or sex unknown in 23 cases.