Table 2

Five-class model: probability of endorsing item given latent class membership and firearm owners, 2018 California Safety and Well-Being Survey

Class 1Class 2Class 3Class 4Class 5
Class membership probabilities0.310.
Number of firearms owned
Type(s) of firearm(s) owned*
 Assault-type weapon(s) and other firearms†0.16<0.01<0.01<0.010.53
 Handgun(s) and long gun(s) other than assault-type weapons0.84<0.01<0.010.770.46
 Handgun(s) only<0.010.380.870.23<0.01
 Long gun(s) other than assault-type weapons only0.010.62>0.13<0.01<0.01
Reason for firearm ownership
 Any owned primarily for protection against people0.28<0.01>0.990.930.79
 None owned primarily for protection against people0.72>0.99<
Firearm storage
 Least secure‡0.05<
 Moderately secure§0.360.450.530.230.13
 Most secure¶0.520.450.37<0.010.04
 Any stored at work/someplace else0.
Loaded handgun carrying (past 30 days)
 Yes, primarily for protection against people<0.01<
 Yes, not primarily for protection against people0.040.12<
Own high-capacity (>10) magazine
  • Bold indicates probabilities greater than or equal to 0.50.

  • *Categories are mutually exclusive and exhaustive. Other possible categories did not apply.

  • †Includes individuals who owned assault-type weapons and handguns only, and those who owned assault-type weapons, handguns and long guns other than assault-type weapons.

  • ‡Any firearm loaded and not locked up in/around the home, no firearms stored at work or someplace else.

  • §No firearms loaded and not locked up, but at least one firearm loaded and locked or unloaded and unlocked in/around the home; no firearms stored at work or someplace else.

  • ¶All firearms locked and unloaded in/around the home, no firearms stored at work or someplace else.

  • NH, non-Hispanic.