Table 3

Overall drowning mortality estimates

Data sourceTime periodDrowning related ICD-10 codes (range)Total all-cause deathsTotal
Drowning fractionTotal population (annual average)Annual average drowning mortality rate/ 100 000 persons
%95% CIRate95% CI
Population-based data (combined)*V90–Y2129 794240 0.72 0.55 to 0.881 012 926 5.1 3.8 to 6.3
W65–W7429 651200 0.60 0.46 to 0.731 012 926 4.3 3.3 to 5.4
Hospital-based data (combined)†622956 0.94 0.09 to 1.78
WHO GHE global database2015W65–W74415 1223454 0.83 53 470 000 6.5
GBD global database2016W65–W74388 9122486 0.64 0.55 to 0.7654 043 478 4.6 3.7 to 5.6
Data source Time period Drowing related ICD-10 codes (range) Total all-cause deaths Total
Drowning fraction Total population (annual average) Annual average number ofall-cause deaths
% 95% CI
SUMATRA data source2006–2016797 72
EM–DAT global database2000–2016911 54
  • Bold values highlight % or rates.

  • *Drowning fraction: Ifakara HDSS, Rufiji HDSS, SAVVY survey, Kamugisha et al, 200711, Kaatano et al, 200912; Annual average drowning mortality rate: Ifakara HDSS, Rufiji HDSS, SAVVY survey.

  • †Murray et al, 201113, Peck et a l, 2013, Boniface et al, 201315.

  • EM-DAT, Emergency Events Database; GBD, Global Burden of Disease; HDSS, Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems; ICD-10, International Classification of Diseases 10th revision; SAVVY, Sample Vital registration with Verbal autopsy; SUMATRA, Ministry of Transport Surface and Marine Regulatory Authority; WHO GHE, WHO Global Health Estimates.