Table 2

Background check rate (per 100 000 people) after CBC implementation in Delaware, Washington and Colorado

Long+handgun background checksHandgun background checksLong gun background checks
Observed rate of BCs in treated states following implementation*372.0410.7583.9195.5239.8323.5176.5170.9260.4
Counterfactual rate of BCs†304.2446.3570.0156.7260.6319.5131.8164.3281.0
Absolute difference in BC rate following implementation‡67.8−35.613.938.8−−20.6
Estimated % difference in BC rate following implementation§22.3−8.02.424.8−8.01.333.94.0−7.3
N states in the donor pool with change ≥treated state (n=29) ¶132829260921
  • *Mean background check rate in treated states after policy implementation.

  • †Mean background check rate in synthetic controls after policy implementation.

  • ‡Mean difference in background check rate between the treated states and their synthetic control after policy implementation.

  • §Percentage difference in background checks rate in reference to BC rate of the synthetic controls after policy implementation.

  • ¶Results from the permutation test, measured as the postintervention RMSPE/preintervention RMSPE.

  • BCs, background checks; CBC, comprehensive background checks; RMSPE, root mean square prediction error.