NHIS: activities performed at the time of injury | ATUS activity categories and the associated activity codes |
Working at a paid job | Everything in the ‘work and work-related’ category (05xxxx) |
Sports or exercise | Everything in ‘participating in sport, exercise, or recreation’ category (1301xx), plus ‘waiting related to playing sports or exercising’ (130301) and ‘security related to playing sports or exercising’ (130401) |
Sleeping, resting, eating or drinking | ‘Sleeping’ (0101xx) and ‘eating and drinking’ (11xxxx) |
Working around the house or yard | Everything in ‘Household Activities’ category (02xxxx) except for ‘walking, exercising, playing with animals’ (020603) and cooking (0202xx) |
Driving or riding in a motor vehicle | Everything in the ‘travelling’ category (181101-189999) and ‘transportation mode’=driving or riding in a motor vehicle (bus, train, car, etc.) |
Note: ‘xx’ or ‘xxxx’ indicates every item in the broader category.
ATUS, American Time Use Survey; NHIS, National Health Interview Survey.