Table 1

Total, Direct and indirect associations between the amount of exposure and reported involvement in a road crash among students at the University of Granada, Spain, 2007–2010

TotalDirectIndirect (mediated through risky driving patterns)
Exposure (Reference: <500 km/year)OR95% CIOR95% CI% Of the total association*OR95% CI% Of the total association*
500–999 km/year0.700.17 to 2.820.500.12 to 2.02191.641.391.10 to 1.75−91.64
1000–4999 km/year3.741.43 to 9.772.110.77 to 5.8156.521.781.22 to 2.5843.48
≥5000 km/year4.141.59 to 10.831.760.60 to 5.2139.872.351.40 to 3.9560.13
  • *These columns report the proportion of the association attributable to the direct and indirect paths assuming a value of 100% for the total association.