Table 1

Baseline sample characteristics (mean or percentage) among older adults by AME status

Total sample (n=12 541)No AME identified (n=10 133)At least one AME (n=2408)p Value
Outcomes of interest
Beneficiary attributes
 Other ethnicity/race0.030.030.02
 Lives alone0.340.340.34
 Income <$25 0000.580.570.60*
 Less than high school degree0.340.330.36**
Beneficiary health attributes
 Number of chronic conditions (0–13)3.793.524.94***
 ADL limitations (0–6)0.750.691.01***
 IADL limitations (0–6)0.930.871.20***
 Self-reported fair to poor health0.250.220.34***
 Normal weight0.410.420.39*
 Use of proxy due to dementia0.020.030.02
Rural–urban location
 Urban location0.740.740.72**
 Adjacent to urban location0.180.180.20
 Rural location0.080.080.09*
  • Characteristics were measured at baseline from Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey, 1998–2004. Differences tested using Student t tests. *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001.

  • ADL, activities of daily living; AME, adverse medical event; IADL, instrumental activities of daily living.