Table 1

Number and annual rate of children 0–15 years in all motor vehicle crashes, United States 1993–98

Age (years) and rollover statusActual counts in the CDS dataEstimated* number of children in crashes (in thousands)95% CI (in thousands)*Rate per 100000 per year
*National estimates based upon the CDS sampling scheme.
All ages700336853077 to 44601008.5
    Rollover745367306 to 556100.4
    Non-rollover625833182771 to 3904908.1
0–421771095884 to 1349933.0
    Rollover2015422 to 11646.0
    Non-rollover19761041862 to 1233887.0
5–91883911720 to 1157800.0
    Rollover1714617 to 11040.4
    Non-rollover1712865703 to 1047759.4
10–15294316791369 to 49271251.7
    Rollover373267163 to 3303199.1
    Non-rollover257014121206 to 16241052.6