Table 1

Risk of child pedestrian injury associated with sociodemographic variables

No (%) in group
VariableCasesControlsOR95% CI
*Seventeen cases and 34 controls did not report father in the family.
†Two cases and one control did not report mother in the family.
Floor material
    Dirt, cement, or concrete18 (20.9)21 (12.2)1.90.9 to 4.0
    Tile or other68 (79.1)151 (87.8)1.0
Housing type
    Separated house73 (84.9)151 (87.8)1.0
    Apartment8 (9.3)12 (7.0)1.40.5 to 3.8
    Other type of housing5 (5.8)9 (5.2)1.10.3 to 4.0
House ownership
    Self owned51 (59.3)100 (58.1)1.0
    Rented22 (25.6)57 (33.1)0.80.4 to 1.4
    Borrowed13 (15.1)15 (8.7)1.70.7 to 4.2
Father’s age (years)*
    17–243 (4.3)6 (4.3)0.80.1 to 4.1
    25–3422 (31.9)60 (43.5)0.60.3 to 1.2
    ≥3544 (63.8)72 (52.2)1.0
Father’s education (years of school)*
    Elementary or less (≤6 years)41 (59.4)86 (62.3)0.90.5 to 1.7
    More than elementary (>6 years)28 (40.6)52 (37.7)1.0
Working father*
    No4 (5.8)6 (4.3)1.40.3 to 5.9
    Yes65 (94.2)132 (95.7)1.0
Mother’s age (years)†
    17–245 (6.0)20 (11.7)0.40.1 to 1.2
    25–3436 (42.9)83 (48.5)0.70.4 to 1.2
    ≥3543 (51.2)68 (39.8)1.0
Working mother†
    No59 (70.2)142 (83.0)1.0
    Yes25 (29.8)29 (17.0)2.11.1 to 4.0
Mother’s education (years of school)†
    Elementary or less (≤6 years)47 (56.0)101 (59.1)0.90.5 to 1.6
    More than elementary (>6 years)37 (44.0)70 (40.9)1.0