Table 1

Number of shots fired (% of cases) by handgun type

Minimum estimatesMaximum estimates
Shots firedPistol incidents (n=165)Revolver incidents (n=71)Pistol incidents (n=165)Revolver incidents (n=71)
*Group means differed significantly for pistol and revolver cases. The t statistic = 3.11 (p<0.01) using minimum shots fired estimates; t statistic = 3.51 (p<0.01) using maximum shots fired estimates; t statistics were calculated using the formula for populations having unequal variances.
152 (31.5)34 (47.9)35 (21.2)24 (33.8)
237 (22.4)13 (18.3)37 (22.4)20 (28.2)
327 (16.4)9 (12.7)33 (20.0)9 (12.7)
413 (7.9)5 (7.0)19 (11.5)6 (8.5)
513 (7.9)6 (8.5)11 (6.7)8 (11.3)
66 (3.6)2 (2.8)8 (4.8)2 (2.8)
74 (2.4)2 (2.8)3 (1.8)1 (1.4)
83 (1.8)07 (4.2)0
92 (1.2)03 (1.8)1 (1.4)
102 (1.2)02 (1.2)0
111 (0.6)02 (1.2)0
121 (0.6)01 (0.6)0
131 (0.6)01 (0.6)0
151 (0.6)000
162 (1.2)02 (1.2)0
17001 (0.6)0