Table 1

Cause, nature, body part, and location of injury by gender and child age

Boys (%) (n=11 677)Girls (%) (n=11 154)Infants and toddlers (%) (n=7545)Preschoolers (%) (n=3909)School aged (%) (n=11 378)
*p<0.05, **p<0.01, significance levels for χ2 tests of trend.
†Sample size <30, estimates may be unreliable.
‡”Other” category includes concussion, poison, internal injury, dental injury, multiple injuries, and other not specified by parent.
Cause of injury
    Motor vehicle 1† 2† 1† 3† 1†
    Bicycle 6 4 2† 4† 6
    Sport1516 2† 2†26
    Scald/poisoning 8 711 7†** 6
    “Other” not specified by parent2118212318
Nature of injury
    Broken/fractured bones2227131930**
    Burn/scald 5 4 8 3† 3**
    Dislocation/sprain/strain121913 8†19**
Body part injured
    Head or neck1812*2327 9
    Upper extremities3440292842
    Lower extremities2326141432
    “Other” includes back, spine, trunk, and multiple sites 3 5 3† 3† 5
Location of injury
    Own home3133633517**
    Outside home2021123221
    In or around private residence10 81011 8
    School/day care1615 4† 8†23
    Sports facility 810 1† 2†15
    “Other” category not specified by parent1513101216