Table 2

Multilevel association among educational level and injury mortality (Poisson regression), individual and neighborhood effects by cause of death and age group; Barcelona 1992–98

Traffic injuriesFallsDrug overdosesSuicidesTotal injury mortality
NoRR95% CINoRR95% CINoRR95% CINoRR95% CINoRR95% CI
*35–49 age group.
RR, relative risk; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval.
    20–34 age group
        No schooling114.262.20 to 8.251 5.930.69 to 50.822411.687.17 to 19.0242.370.86 to 6.54485.413.95 to 7.41
        Primary studies1462.762.09 to 3.6524 6.472.46 to 16.972966.995.19 to 9.42711.871.31 to 2.665883.172.73 to 3.68
        Secondary and more7515 15215412571
    35–74 age group
        No schooling371.080.74 to 1.5830 1.080.74 to 1.58143.88*1.91 to 7.89651.891.38 to 2.602191.651.38 to 1.96
        Primary studies1050.950.72 to 1.0841 0.980.62 to 1.56602.20*1.38 to 3.511131.040.79 to 1.374391.080.93 to 1.24
        Secondary and more92133 1281*9113281
    ≥75 age group
        No schooling452.571.38 to 4.7661 1.310.85 to 2.02453.341.68 to 6.622341.641.29 to 2.07
        Primary studies361.540.82 to 2.9167 1.100.72 to 1.68311.730.85 to 3.522051.090.96 to 1.38
        Secondary and more13132 11011011
Neighbourhood men  unemployment 1.05041.0077 to 1.09501.04741.0261 to 1.0692
Neighbourhood men in jail1.00111.0008 to 1.0014
Variability p Variability p Variability p Variability p Variability p
Neighbourhood variability0.00050.5 0.00040.4620.03260.0890.0005>0.50.0160.001
    20–34 age group
        No schooling24.240.98 to 18.27214.622.83 to 75.4634.551.34 to 15.4523.180.75 to 13.46104.382.27 to 8.45
        Primary studies252.491.36 to 4.565 1.750.51 to 6.06565.233.15 to 8.69161.190.63 to 2.251162.481.87 to 3.29
        Secondary and more1815 1181241761
    35–74 age group
        No schooling261.190.70 to 2.0325 3.871.74 to 8.6183.03*0.90 to 10.18391.160.75 to 1.801381.641.26 to 2.21
        Primary studies430.780.48 to 1.2526 1.660.75 to 3.66191.69*0.73 to 3.94650.800.54 to 1.181970.970.76 to 1.23
        Secondary and more2918 1714211111
    ≥75 age group
        No schooling340.470.25 to 0.87229 1.591.06 to 2.39275.200.71 to 38.254351.220.94 to 1.58
        Primary studies230.370.19 to 0.71107 0.870.57 to 1.33224.900.66 to 36.342560.750.57 to 0.98
        Secondary and more14127 111681
Neighbourhood men  unemployment 1.02960.9930 to 1.06751.04631.0186 to 1.0748
Neighbourhood men in jail1.00111.0004 to 1.0018
Variability p Variability p Variability p Variability p Variability p
Neighbourhood variability0.00030.223 0.01220.1160.29520.0010.0004>0.50.027<0.001