Table 3

National estimates of non-fatal firearm related injuries* other than gunshot wounds treated in hospital emergency departments, by activity at time of injury, injury mechanism, and injury intent: United States, 1993–96

Intent of injury
CharacteristicTotal No (%)Unintentional No (%) Assault No (%)
*Excludes injuries sustained during military training.
†Routine gun use includes cleaning, repairing, loading/unloading or transporting a firearm; vital activities include eating and sleeping.
‡These estimates may be unstable due to low sample size (less than 25 sample cases) and/or a coefficient of variation >28%.
§Percentages may not sum to 100.0 due to rounding.
Activity at time of injury
    Routine gun use†14 996 (22.9)14 825 (54.8) 77‡ (0.2)
    Recreation 6 969 (10.7) 6 871 (25.4) 17‡ (0.0)
    Work 3 468 (5.3) 1 651 (6.1) 1 749 (4.7)
    Travel 3 680 (5.6) 425‡ (1.6) 3 221 (8.7)
    Vital activity† 3 016 (4.6) 417‡ (1.5) 2 565 (6.9)
    Leisure 2 063 (3.2) 335‡ (1.2) 1 694 (4.6)
    Other 355‡ (0.5) 253‡ (0.9) 102‡ (0.3)
    Unspecified30 827 (47.2) 2 283 (8.4)27 555 (74.5)
Mechanism of injury
    Struck by or against
        Hit by moving gun34 847 (53.3) 3 593 (13.3)30 521 (82.5)
        Hit by gun recoil11 729 (17.9)11 686 (43.2) 0 (0)
        Other 2 670 (4.1) 1 086‡ (4.0) 1 507 (4.1)
        Slide/trigger mechanism 1 269‡ (1.9) 1 269‡ (4.7) 0 (0)
        Flying glass 1 203 (1.8) 77‡ (0.3) 1 092‡ (3.0)
        Other 4 848 (7.4) 4 215 (15.6) 546‡ (1.5)
    Mechanical force/explosion 1 624 (2.5) 1 624 (6.0) 0 (0)
    Other 6 750 (10.3) 3 362 (12.4) 3 062 (8.3)
    Unspecified 434‡ (0.7) 148‡ (0.5) 252 (0.7)
Total§65 374 (100.0)27 060 (100.0)36 980 (100.0)