Table 1 Participant characteristics, by gender
Participant characteristics
    Age group
    Highest education level achieved
    Body mass index (kg/m2)
        <25 (normal)8164522127051.4
        25–30 (overweight)754144290036.5
        >30 (obese)1393901787.2
Bicycling characteristics
    Kilometers cycled per week
    Hours cycled per week
    Proportion of time spent riding off road (%)8.28.2N/A8.2N/A
    Proportion of time spent riding in dark (%)9.96.6N/A9.0N/A
    Proportion of time spend riding in bunch (%)21.316.4N/A20.0N/A
    Experience (years)7.84.4N/A6.9N/A
    Kind of bike most commonly used
    Always wear helmet?
    Always use back light cycling in dark?*
    Always use front light cycling in dark?*
    Always wear fluorescent colors?
  • *Only includes participants that reported ever cycling in the dark.

  • N/A, not available.