Table 5

 Predictors of pediatricians’ current practice of counseling to always remove handguns from homes

Model 1: 1994 adjusted OR (95% CI)Model 2: 2000 adjusted OR (95% CI)
*Reference category.
Age (years)
    ⩾451.32 (0.85 to 2.05)1.49† (1.05 to 2.12)
    Female1.75† (1.16 to 2.65)1.69† (1.19 to 2.42)
Treated gun injury in the past 12 months
    Did not treat injury*11
    Treated injury1.77† (1.10 to 2.84)1.91† (1.18 to 3.08)
Gun ownership
    Do not own*11
    Handgun owner0.37 (0.13 to 1.07)0.13† (0.03 to 0.55)
    Long gun/air gun0.43 (0.16 to 1.13)0.26† (0.08 to 0.87)
    Inner city*11
    Urban, not inner city0.59† (0.35 to 0.98)0.73 (0.47 to 1.14)
    Suburban0.61 (0.37 to 1.02)0.76 (0.50 to 1.15)
    Rural0.70 (0.33 to 1.49)0.22† (0.08 to 0.58)