Table 1

 Prevalence of injury outcomes and social risk factors among 37 878 adolescents in eight countries

Estimates* for eight countries
*Sex specific estimates reliable to within 3% for individual countries.33
Medically treated injury in the past 12 months (%)49.833.462.139.223.350.1
    By location (% of injured)
        Home or yard20.811.636.328.519.138.7
        School or school grounds22.814.432.423.116.237.9
        Sports facilities or field25.015.734.115.56.530.1
        Street, road, or parking lot11.28.018.810.25.515.1
    By activity (% of injured)
        Playing or training for a sport or recreational activity40.531.955.437.019.059.1
        Physical fight7.
Primary social risk factors
    Socio-economic status
        Family Affluence Scale (FAS): (% low: (FAS 0–3))30.310.349.636.510.961.5
        Go to bed or school hungry (% always/often)
    Social behaviour
        Drunkenness in lifetime (% 4 or more times)7.84.615.
A priori confounders
    Age (years)131017131017
    Weekly physical activity (mean days per week)