Table 3

 Demographic characteristics of a cohort of rural married men by physical and emotional abuse status

CharacteristicPhysical abuseEmotional abuse
Abuser, n (%)Non-abuser, n (%)p Value†Abuser, n (%)Non-abuser, n (%)p Value†
*Only three men were in the age group 18–24, so this group was combined with 25–34.
†p Values represent two sided t tests for continuous variables, Fisher’s exact test for categorical variables with any cell size less than 10, and χ2 tests for categorical variables with all cell sizes of 10 or above.
Age (years)
    18–34*15 (19.2)32 (6.5)29 (14.6)18 (4.9)
    35–4431 (39.7)118 (23.9)70 (35.2)79 (21.3)
    45–5413 (16.7)98 (19.8)40 (20.1)71 (19.1)
    55–649 (11.5)97 (19.6)26 (13.1)80 (21.6)
    65+10 (12.8)149 (30.2)<0.0134 (17.1)123 (33.2)<0.01
Educational status
    High school incomplete6 (7.7)57 (11.6)18 (9.1)45 (12.2)
    High school32 (41.0)239 (48.6)80 (40.2)189 (51.2)
    Some college or more40 (51.3)196 (39.8)0.15101 (50.8)135 (36.6)<0.01
Household location
    Farm26 (33.3)186 (37.7)60 (30.1)150 (40.4)
    Rural non-farm20 (25.6)95 (19.2)40 (20.1)75 (20.2)
    Town32 (41.0)213 (43.1)0.4199 (49.8)146 (39.4)0.31
    Yes72 (92.3)478 (96.8)189 (95.0)359 (96.8)
    No6 (7.7)16 (3.2)0.1010 (5.0)12 (3.2)0.29
Average years married20.0328.31<0.0122.1129.82<0.01
Average age married24.8326.200.01725.7326.130.63
Children 0–9
    Yes32 (41.0)97 (19.6)64 (32.2)65 (17.5)
    No46 (59.0)397 (80.4)<0.01135 (67.8)306 (82.5)<0.01