Table 3

 Incidence counts and rates (per 100 000) and total lifetime costs of injuries by mechanism and sex, 2000

FatalTotalCosts (in millions)
IncidenceRateIncidenceRateMedical costs ($)Productivity losses ($)Total costs ($)
*Injuries categorized as “other/unclassified” resulted from varied mechanisms: for fatal injuries, these other mechanisms primarily resulted from inhalation/suffocation (8%) and unspecified (8%); for hospitalized injuries, these other mechanisms primarily resulted from unspecified mechanisms (5%), overexertion (2%), and other transport (2%); for less severe non-hospitalized injuries, these other mechanisms primarily resulted from overexertion (11%), bite/sting (7%), and other transport (2%).
    MV/Other road user43,802165,010,4391813$14,026$75,130$89,156
    Struck by/Against1301010,674,1803862$11,028$37,104$48,132
    MV/Other Road User29,686222,551,3301895$8713$55,214$63,927
    Struck by/Against110916,660,3014948$7493$29,123$36,617
    MV/Other road user14,116102,459,1051734$5313$19,916$25,229
    Struck by/Against19204,013,8802831$3535$7981$11,516