Table 4

 General safety behavior and attitude, by self reported injury status; values are number (%)

Injured (n = 83)Uninjured (n = 132)Total (n = 215)
*Five respondents did not answer this question.
Swimming ability
    Not at all3 (4)4 (3)7 (3)
    A little to adequately25 (30)42 (32)67 (31)
    Good swimmer41 (49)54 (41)95 (44)
    Excellent swimmer14 (17)32 (24)46 (21)
Fisher’s exact test p = 0.51
Seatbelt use
    Never6 (7)7 (5)13 (6)
    Occasionally, half the time, to often35 (42)55 (42)90 (42)
    Always42 (51)70 (53)112 (52)
Fisher’s exact test p = 0.81
What percent of fishing injuries are preventable?*
    None5 (6)5 (4)10 (5)
    Less than half16 (19)32 (25)48 (23)
    Half32 (39)36 (28)68 (32)
    More than half26 (32)52 (41)78 (37)
    All3 (4)3 (2)6 (3)
Fisher’s exact test p = 0.35