Table 2

List of variables included in NVDRS

*International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision.
Incident information
Incident ID number
Incident status
Incident narrative
Number of non-fatally shot persons in incident
Number of persons, weapons
Person information
Person type (victim or suspect)
Social security number
Age, date of birth
Race categories
Residential address
Person information (victim only)
Death certificate variables:
Birth place
Veteran status
Marital status
Place of death
Date of death
State of death
Cause of death (text)
Underlying cause of death (ICD-10* code)
Multiple condition codes
Autopsy performed
Manner of death
Date, time of injury
Type of location of incident
Injured at work
Injury address
Survival time
Usual occupation, industry
Toxicology variables (victim only)
Date, time specimens collected
Alcohol testing
Blood alcohol level
Drug testing:
Other drugs
Other victim variables
Number of wounds, bullets
Location of wounds
At person’s home
Homeless status
Victim in custody when injured
Intoxication suspected
Death type
Supplementary Homicide Report (SHR)
SHR circumstance
SHR situation
SHR homicide type
SHR justifiable homicide circumstance
SHR victim-suspect relationship
Victim-suspect relationship
Victim-suspect relationship
Suspect was caretaker of victim
Evidence of ongoing abuse
Weapon variables
Weapon type
Firearm variables:
Firearm information known
Evidence recovered (gun, bullet, casing)
Firearm type
Make, model
Cartridge specification
Caliber, gauge
Firearm serial number
Firearm stolen
Relationship to gun owner
Gun stored locked; loaded
Poison variables:
Type of poison
Poison code
Patient drug obtained for
Size of pill (mg)
Number of pills (upper, lower bound)
Estimated amount of liquid poison ingested (ml)
Carbon monoxide source, if carbon monoxide
Weapon-person table
(Identifies which weapon killed the victim and which suspect used the weapon)
Suicide circumstances
Mental health variables:
Current depressed mood
Current mental health problem
Treatment for mental illness (current, ever)
Alcohol problem, substance problem
Disclosed intent
History of suicide attempts
Precipitating circumstance:
Physical health problem
Intimate partner problem
Other relationship problem
Job problem
School problem
Financial problem
Recent suicide of friend or family
Other death of friend or family
Recent criminal problem
Other legal problems
Perpetrator of interpersonal violence
Victim of interpersonal violence
Crisis in past two weeks
Homicide circumstances
Argument over money/property
Jealousy (lovers’ triangle)
Intimate partner violence related
Other argument, abuse, conflict
Drug related
Gang related
Associated with another crime
Type of crime; crime in progress?
Justifiable homicide
Hate crime
Brawl (mutual physical fight)
Terrorist attack
Victim was a bystander
Victim was a police officer on duty
Victim used weapon
Intervener assisting crime victim
Mercy killing
Unintentional circumstance (firearm death)
Target shooting
Self defensive shooting
Celebratory firing
Loading/unloading gun
Cleaning gun
Showing gun to others
Playing with gun
Thought safety was engaged
Thought unloaded: magazine disengaged
Thought gun was unloaded, other
Unintentionally pulled trigger
Bullet ricochet
Gun defect or malfunction
Fired while holstering/unholstering
Dropped gun
Fired while operating safety/lock
Gun mistaken for toy
Child fatality review (CFR) module
Incident variables
Scene investigation by law enforcement; coroners/medical examiners
Witnesses to incident; child witnesses
Victim variables
CFR records available on victim
Household information:
Type of residence
New placement
Adults in household (relationship to victim)
Other children in household
Intimate partner violence in household
Substance abuse in household
Primary caregivers (information collected on up to two parents or caregivers):
Victim or suspect in this incident
Relationship to victim
Age, sex
Legal custody of victim
History of child maltreatment as perpetrator
Previous child death
Supervision at the time of incident:
Supervisor relationship to victim
Supervisor age, sex
Quality of supervision contributed to child death
Contributory factors
Victim health information:
Physical illness
Disability (physical, developmental, sensory)
Prenatal care (infants)
Prenatal drug, alcohol, tobacco use (infants)
Child protective services contacts:
Report ever filed on victim’s household
If so, on whom?
Any report substantiated?
If yes, type: physical, sexual, and/or neglect
Case opened on other children?
Additional suicide circumstances:
History of inpatient psychiatric treatment
Taking psychiatric medication
Barriers to accessing mental health care
Suspect information:
Suspect identified by name
Arrested as perpetrator in this death
Child protective services report ever filed on the suspect
Ever charged with prior homicide
Other prior system contacts by victim:
Police, juvenile justice, healthcare system, mental health, social services, welfare, Women, Infants, and Children, Medicaid
Data sources used by CFR:
Coroner/medical examiner, social services/child protective services, law enforcement, school, emergency medical service, medical, public health, mental health, juvenile justice, death certificate
CFR committee decisions:
CFR manner matches official manner of death
CFR manner of death
Action taken to change official manner?
Result of action
Preventable death