Table 3

 Truck crashes: preventing death and injury

*The recommendations above are those stated in the standards and recommendations issued by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and Transport & General Workers Union.26
Pre80 kph limit (motorway)Tachygraphs—routine monitoringSide ports on steep planes
30 kph (urban residential)GovernorsElectronic speed roadside cameras
Three second headway ruleLight reflective markings– on line
Frequent rest breaks (every 4 hours)Prevent overloading– off line
Buddy system—irregular hoursRest stops for drivers and publicly promote their locations
Selection—older driversModal shifts: rail, roll-on, roll-off containerization
Young truck drivers at greater risk
Sleep >7 hours
Enforce daily permissible work limit (12 hours/day)*
Evaluate implementation of ILO recommended daily work limit (9 hours/day)
Hydration: thermos for drinking (see my notes in rebuttal and condense into note Unpublished investigation, 1985, for Israel Defense Forces)
Screening and treatment for sleep disorders
Selective licensing—hazardous chemicals
DuringMaintenance checks
Tire shock absorbers—front and rear—retrofit
Tire standards
PostFirst aid kits
Two way radio
Protective clothing—hazardous material