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Looking Beneath the Surface of Agricultural Safety and Health.
  1. B Lee
  1. National Farm Medicine Center, Wisconsin, USA;

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    Dennis J Murphy. (Pp 104.) Published by American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 2003 (ASAE Pub 801M0303). ISBN 1-802769-28-X.

    Agriculture is a very dangerous occupation and a complex industry. Health and safety initiatives must account for a wide spectrum of variables such as economic conditions; technology; minimal regulatory controls; the range in workers ages; and many issues influenced by culture, ethnicity, and tradition. Despite a significant increase in federal funding for agricultural health and safety since 1990, when compared with other occupations, the expected reduction in injuries has not occurred. Agricultural health and safety specialists are often perplexed and frustrated with the minimal impact of their efforts.

    Dennis Murphy is a national authority on agricultural health and safety, with three decades’ experience in the field. This 100 page book is the result of a recent sabbatical at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) which he used to trace the roots of the agricultural health and safety movement, to analyze major influences on safety initiatives, …

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