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Parental attitudes regarding interviews about injuries to their children
  1. L Ramsay1,
  2. G Moreton1,
  3. D Gorman1,
  4. E Blake2,
  5. D Goh3,
  6. R Elton4,
  7. T Beattie5
  1. 1Lothian Health Board, Edinburgh EH8 9RS, UK
  2. 2East and Midlothian NHS Trust, Dalkeith EH22 1AP, UK
  3. 3East and Midlothian NHS Trust, Musselburgh EH21 7TZ, UK
  4. 45 Wilton Road, Edinburgh EH16 5NX, UK
  5. 5Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh EH9 1LF, UK

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    Editor,—We read with interest the article by Scheidt et al, which reported that most parents of young, injured children are neither upset nor threatened by questions about the circumstances of injury, and that they readily cooperate and perceive such work to be worthwhile.1 We would concur with this view and have further evidence in its support.

    In the United Kingdom, …

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