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309 Amplifying global pressure on safe motorcycle helmets for all
  1. Chika Sakashita,
  2. Alexandra Ciobica,
  3. Lotte Brondum,
  4. Liz Man,
  5. Tinsaye Tefera Yishak,
  6. Florencia Lamrosquini
  1. Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety


Background The number of powered two- and three-wheelers has nearly tripled since 2011, primarily fueled by ridership growth in Southeast Asia (273% increase), the Americas (217% increase), Western Pacific (155% increase), and Europe (142% increase).1 Achieving the Global Plan target requires the implementation of evidence-based interventions, and motorcycle helmets that meet a standard, is one such evidence-based intervention. The correct ‘use of quality helmets can reduce the risk of death by over six times and reduce the risk of brain injury by up to 74%.’2 Despite their proven effectiveness, surveys have found 20% of drivers and 30% of passengers do not wear helmets3 and 26–47% of motorcyclists self-reported not wearing helmets even though it is the law.4 In order to increase the wearing of quality helmets around the world, we must understand and address factors that hinder the uptake of standard helmets, such as availability, affordability, hot weather, and misinformation.5

Objective Form and coordinate advocacy initiatives that promote global pressure on safe helmets worldwide.

Program Description In partnership with Uber, the Alliance is leading a project to stimulate a global push for safe helmets as a mechanism to help achieve the road safety target to reduce road deaths and injuries by 50% by 2030. Through interviews with organizations experienced in advocating for safe helmets for motorcyclists in countries (India, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, Rwanda, Vietnam) and with global experts, the Alliance is analyzing key underlying issues that are acting as barriers to safe helmets for all. These analyses will be used to develop a white paper. The Alliance also designed community consultations and field research including photography that capture realities on the ground and is working with its member NGOs to implement them.

Outcomes and Learnings The Alliance has to date interviewed and consulted 14 stakeholders and five of the Alliance member NGOs (A.C.T.I.V.V.A.S, Forum for Prevention of Road Accidents, Smart Drivers Organization, ANASEVI, Nepal Automobiles’ Association) have collected local data in their countries (Argentina, India, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal). The results are being used to develop key messages for the 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in February 2025 and help policymakers understand the barriers and solutions to ensuring safe helmets for all.

Implications The process of developing global pressure through a multimode approach of interviews, community consultations, field research including photography in multiple countries paint a picture of the practical challenges in making safe helmets for all a reality and provide insights into practical solutions. This method can be applied to other areas of advocacy.

Conclusions Holding governments accountable needs pressure, and a multimode approach to developing advocacy messages can catalyze government action.

References 1. World Health Organization. (2023). Global status report on road safety 2023. WHO, Geneva. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

2. Global Status Report on Road Safety 2023,, World Health Organization (WHO)

3. World Health Organization. (2023). Global status report on road safety 2023. WHO, Geneva. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

4. Meesmann U, Wardenier N, Torfs K, Pires C, Delannoy S, Van den Berghe W. (2022). A global look at road safety: Synthesis from the ESRA2 survey in 48 countries. ESRA project (E-Survey of Road users’ Attitudes). Brussels: Vias institute.

5. World Health Organization. (2023). Helmets: A road safety manual for decision-makers and practitioners, second edition. Geneva.

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