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200 The pattern of injuries among underprivileged community- a cross-sectional study in teagardens
  1. Abu Sayeed Abdullah1,
  2. Koustuv Dalal2
  1. 1Centre for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh
  2. 2Mid Sweden University, Sweden


Background In Bangladesh, about 300 people die and 660 people became permanently disabled due to injury every day. Indigenous people in teagardens are more prone to injury.

Objectives The study explored the prevalence of different types of injuries among the underprivileged teagarden community in Bangladesh.

Methods A cross sectional study was conducted at randomly selected 25 teagardens in Moulvibazar district during October to December 2021. A total of 1,041 women aged 15–49 years were interviewed at household level. Structured pretested questionnaire was used for face-to-face interview. Descriptive analyses were performed.

Results About 26% respondent mentioned that their household members were injured last one year. Off all injuries 54.3% were male and 45.7% were female, where one third injury (31.5%) occurred among adolescents (10–19 years). 11.5% injury were due to animal or insect bites, 20% due to falls, 49.5% cut injury and 19% burn. About 83% of burn injuries occurred during cooking at household, 53.8% animal bites occurred due to dog bite. About 75% cut injury occurred with knife or chopper during domestic or agricultural work. About 49% fall injury happened through unintentional falling from tree or hilly slippery areas in teagardens.

Conclusion Adolescents and males were found more vulnerable for injuries. Cut was the highest percentage of injuries followed by fall and burn. Awareness building and capacity development on injury prevention among the teagarden community needs to be introduced and necessary preventive measures are essential to reduce the burden of injuries.

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