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185 Suicide among adolescents- an emerging public health issue in Bangladesh
  1. Mohammad Jahangir Hossain,
  2. Samid Siddiqi,
  3. Kazi Burhan Uddin,
  4. Nabila Nusrat,
  5. Salim Mahmud Chowdhury,
  6. AKM Fazlur Rahman
  1. Centre for Injury Prevention and Research Bangladesh


Background Suicide among adolescents is commonly found in all societies around the world. To describe the magnitude and risk factors of suicide among adolescents in Bangladesh Health and Injury Survey 2016 data were analyzed.

Methodology Bangladesh Health and Injury Survey was a national survey, conducted among 299,216 rural and urban populations during March- June 2016, by using multi-stage cluster sampling method.

Result The rate of suicide among adolescents was found 34.4 (95% CI 21.9–51.6) per 100,000 adolescents. The rate among male was 9.9 (95% CI 2.5–26.8) and among the female was 58.7(95% CI 35.9–91.0) per 100,000 adolescents. Females were found vulnerable with a risk of 5.9 times higher than males (RR 5.9; 95% CI 1.8–20.2). The rate among urban populations was 4.8 (95% CI 0.2–75.3) and 49.6 (95% CI 31.2–75.3) among urban and rural adolescents per 100,000 respectively. The rate among the rural adolescent was found 10.3 times higher than the adolescents living in urban areas (RR=10.3; 95% CI 1.43–76.9, P=0.001). The higher suicidal rate was found among the adolescent housewives with a rate of 83.3 (95% CI 30.5–184.6) per 100,000 adolescents. 71.4% (n=15) of the adolescents committed suicide by hanging themselves, the rest of the methods included poisoning and sleeping pill consumption. Among all suicide cases, only 28.5% (n=6) were referred to the health facilities.

Conclusion This study unlocked the higher rate of suicide among adolescents in Bangladesh. Both urban and rural adolescents become victims of suicide. Comparatively, females are more likely to commit suicide than male adolescents.

  • Suicide
  • Magnitude
  • Adolescents
  • Bangladesh.

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