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179 Epidemiology of fatal injury among the older age population in Bangladesh
  1. Samid Siddiqi1,
  2. Jahangir Hossain1,
  3. Farah Naz Rahman2,
  4. Kazi Burhan Uddin1,
  5. Salim Mahmud Chowdhury1,
  6. AKM Fazlur Rahman1
  1. 1Centre For Injury Prevention And Research, Bangladesh
  2. 2International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh


Background Injury is the leading cause of death among the elderly populations all over the world. In Bangladesh there is a lack of information about the death due to injury among the older age category population.

Objective Bangladesh Health and Injury Survey 2016 data was analyzed to describe the epidemiology fatality due to injury among the populations aged over 60 years.

Methods A nationwide cross sectional survey was carried out among 299,216 residents to identify the injury related mortality and morbidity. Fatal injury data among the population over 60 years of age was extracted and analyzed for this study.

Result The overall death rate was found 157 (95% CI 112- 216) per 100,000 populations. Rate among the male was 157.7 (95% CI 96.6–233) and among the female was 163 (95% CI 96.3- 285) per 100,000 populations. Rate among the urban populations was 182.6 (95% CI 98.9–310) and among the rural populations was 147 (95% CI 96.7–216). Among the elderly people, falls were found to be the leading cause of deaths, caused 47.2% (n=17) of all fatality followed by Transport injury 19.4% (n=7), Suicide 13.9% (n=5), drowning 5.6% (n=2), Burn 2.8% (n=1), electrocution 2.8% (n=1) and Blunt injury 2.8% (n=1). Among all injured 72.2% injury victims received treatment from health service providers and among these 58.3% (n=21) went to registered doctor.

Conclusion In Bangladesh fatality due to injury is high among the elderly populations. Further in depth research is needed to develop prevention measures for minimizing this unavoidable burden of fatality.

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