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Background Each year in Scotland around 96 people drown. Due to the way in which data is captured in Scotland, limited detail is known about each incident. To overcome this issue, Water Safety Scotland (WSS), through RoSPA and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) created the Drowning and Incident Review (DIR).
Objective The DIR aims to ensure a comprehensive review after each accidental water-related fatality in order to gather relevant data and provide recommendations to help prevent future fatalities. Original research, prior to implementation has already been published (see McAvoy et al., 2022). This presentation will provide insight into the data captured and the measures put in place following DIR’s.
Programme Description DIR follows a very specific process that was created, piloted and evaluated in Scotland. After a fatality occurs, if agreed through our legal structure as ‘accidental’, a DIR meeting takes place to discuss the fatality in depth. This meeting covers all aspects of the incident as well as potential measures that can be put in place to reduce the likeliness of a future incident.
Outcomes and Learnings Since the implementation of DIR, data capture is between 95 and 100% of all known fatalities. DIR training has been implemented across the country and numerous DIR’s have been successfully held in line with guidance and protocol. Data from DIR’s has provided new insights into locations and issues which will help in local and national strategy. Recommendations from DIR’s have also been implemented locally.
Implications DIR has been endorsed across Scotland by key partners and is applicable to both inland and coastal drownings. The DIR process, including its guidance and protocols, can be adapted and altered to fit other countries or for use in other injury settings.
Conclusions DIR is a sustainable and pioneering process which gathers relevant data and intelligence in relation to a drowning incident. The review process has shown huge improvements in data capture and insights for Scotland which will help assist local areas with water safety plans as well as nationally in the next iteration of a Scottish drowning prevention strategy.