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Efforts to ensure the safety of bicyclists and light mobility users in cities are vital for promoting greener transportation choices. Safe cycling infrastructure is a city’s primary tool in battling climate change and inequality, offering access to opportunities and connecting communities. While many cities acknowledge the need for safe cycling networks, implementing risk-free infrastructure remains a challenge. Decision-makers question what safe cycling infrastructure entails and how to adapt safety standards to their unique urban landscapes.
To address these concerns, we assessed 250+ km of cycling routes in five cities across four countries and three continents: Barcelona and Madrid (Spain), Bogotá (Colombia), Fayetteville (USA), and São Paulo (Brazil). Using the CycleRAP method, our main objective was to evaluate the crash risk for bicyclists and light mobility users, considering all types of incidents (vehicle conflicts, pedestrian conflicts, cyclist conflicts, and non-collision incidents), regardless of the facility type or location and provide recommendations to increase safety. The CycleRAP Pilot Project is supported by the Fundación Mapfre, in collaboration with UCI and PTV. Local partners include Ciclocidade, Experience Fayetteville and Secretaría Distrital de Movilidad de Bogota. Two official CycleRAP suppliers also contribute to the project: Factual and FPZ.
City-specific cycling networks face unique challenges, with vehicle conflicts remaining a primary safety concern. The safety treatment recommendations are, therefore, tailored to address this issue. However, the challenges encountered in these five pilot cities are widespread. The recommendations drawn from their experiences can inspire other cities to tackle similar issues effectively. Key treatments include improving delineation, controlling vehicle speeds, widening facilities, installing lighting, implementing traffic calming measures, and reviewing intersection approaches. These measures collectively promote safer cycling and sustainable urban mobility.
At the Safety 2024 conference, we aim to present our project results. These cities vary in spatial layouts and cycling cultures, and we will discuss how to ensure user safety in diverse contexts. Our goal is to inspire other cities and share knowledge gained from these pilot cities to design safer streets and cycling networks. City representatives will learn about the importance of road safety assessments and the key elements of low-risk facilities.