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569 Strategic enforcement of traffic laws: a comparative analysis across different countries
  1. Manoj Kumar,
  2. Deepty Jain,
  3. Girish Aggarwal
  1. Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi


Background In 2021, there were an estimated 1.19 million road traffic deaths globally, which corresponds to a rate of 15 road traffic deaths per 100,000 population. Road traffic injury remains the leading cause of death for children and young people aged 5–29 years and is the 12th leading cause of death when all age groups are considered. Globally, Four-wheeler occupants represent 30% of fatalities, followed by pedestrians who make up 23% of fatalities, and powered two-wheeler and three-wheeler users who make up 21% of fatalities. Through a comparative analysis, we explore the diverse approaches adopted by different countries to address these critical road safety concerns. The research delves into the nuances of enforcement mechanisms, highlighting variations in legal frameworks, penalties, and enforcement tactics.

Objective This study investigates the strategies employed for the enforcement of traffic laws across various countries, with a focus on key safety issues such as exceeding speed limits, drunken driving, non-use of helmets (for adults), non-use of seatbelts, non-use of child restraint systems, and distracted driving (specifically, mobile phone use).

Methodology: Employing a mixed-methods design, this research integrates qualitative and quantitative analyses to evaluate enforcement strategies across multiple countries. Legal frameworks, penalties, and enforcement tactics are systematically reviewed, drawing insights from both academic literature and official reports. The study utilizes statistical analyses to identify patterns and trends in the effectiveness of different enforcement approaches.

Results The findings of this study reveal substantial disparities in the enforcement of traffic laws among different countries. Notable variations include the utilization of speed detection technologies, the prevalence of sobriety checkpoints, compliance rates for helmet and seatbelt usage, and strategies to mitigate distracted driving. Comparative data provide valuable insights into successful models and highlight challenges faced by jurisdictions in their efforts to enhance road safety through strategic enforcement.

Conclusion The study highlights the differences in global approaches to enforcing traffic laws, including legal frameworks, penalties, and tactics. It emphasizes the need for coordinated efforts to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries worldwide by identifying successful models and addressing challenges to enhance road safety.

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