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556 New and innovative road safety education solutions addressed to teachers, students and school communities
  1. Dagmara Jankowska-Karpa
  1. Motor Transport Institute, Warsaw, Poland


Background The dynamic development of information technologies, search for new solutions and ways of reaching various target groups, as well as global challenges require educators to develop alternative knowledge transmitters such as educational platforms to reach wider audience.

Objective The authors conducted studies using Knowledge School Hubs for road safety, addressed to teachers, students, parents and local communities: Road Safety Academy in Knights for Road Safety(KROS) project and Stars Hub in Moving Safely To All Roads project. In these knowledge centres teachers are transmitters of knowledge and act as coordinators and advisors to students. Both hubs are knowledge banks of road safety programmes and materials. The aim of the study was to assess the methods and materials used in the hubs and their impact on teachers development and students’ traffic attitudes.

Methods KROS project covered 99 schools in EU where 34 educational projects related to road safety have been created by groups of students. In Stars hub a network of 100 schools from Greece, Spain, Ireland, Turkey and Poland was created. Both hubs used educational materials in form of modules - 24 in Kros, 66 in Stars. All materials and classes were evaluated with the use of qualitative and quantitative tools based on key skills: critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity & innovation, self-direction and technology as tool for learning. School leaders assessed the impact of hubs on schools.

Results In the evaluation of both hubs teachers reported that online platforms were useful and easy to navigate and materials were effective. Most teachers agreed students developed positive attitude towards road safety, inquiry skills and interdisciplinary thinking. School leaders stated that impact of hubs was positive for school community (75% a lot, and 25% a great deal) and allowed to continue professional development of school staff and schools’ networks and digital platforms supported collaborations among teachers. The materials received high scores – over 25/30 points.

Conclusions It is important to create and maintain international network of entities and include road safety education stakeholders. Knowledge hubs are effective solutions for reaching various recipients with communication technology and contribute to higher education effectiveness by knowledge exchange.

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