Table of contents
June 2022 - Volume 28 - 3
- Traffic safety lessons ignored in confronting COVID-19 (10 December, 2021)
Original research
- Alcohol-impaired driving among adults—USA, 2014–2018 (5 November, 2021)
- Home as the first site for suicide prevention: a Hong Kong experience (29 October, 2021)
- Implementation of a youth violence prevention programme in primary care (29 October, 2021)
- Non-fatal gunshot injuries during criminal acts in Mexico, 2013–2019 (9 December, 2021)
Brief reports
- Hospital visit histories of suicide decedents: a study in Utah (10 March, 2022)
- Non-fatal injury data: characteristics to consider for surveillance and research (24 February, 2022)
- Systematic review of dog bite prevention strategies (7 April, 2022)