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0026 Saving lives beyond 2020 – the next steps; recommendations of the academic expert group for the 3rd global ministerial conference on road safety
  1. J Michael
  1. Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy, Baltimore, USA


Statement of purpose An Academic Expert Group (AEG) was established by the Swedish Transport Administration to develop recommendations for progress in global road safety between 2021 and 2030. The output of the AEG was intended to shape the agenda for the United Nations 3rd Ministerial Conference on Road Safety held in Stockholm, Sweden in February 2020. A Declaration from that conference subsequently shaped a United Nations General Assembly Resolution on Global Road Safety (A/74/L.86).

Methods/Approach An expert opinion method was used to capture the scope of knowledge and experience of fifteen international road safety authorities. The recommendations were developed iteratively over a period of ten months, including three multi-day meetings and extensive review and comment.

Results Nine recommendations were developed along with supporting rationale. Recommendations focus on priority populations such as children and youth, effective intervention strategies including reducing speed and utilizing advanced technology, and promising techniques such as the Safe System approach and engagement of the private sector.

Conclusions The AEG describes an evolution of road safety strategies beginning with the basic components of Engineering, Education, Enforcement, Emergency Services, and leading to incorporation of the Safe System approach. A higher level of development is proposed consisting of integration of road safety practices in other social movements, such as climate change, gender equity and active lifestyles.

Significance The recommendations and rationale in the report will shape additional guidance documents coming from the United Nations system, including an implementation agenda now being developed by the World Health Organization in consultation with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety. Governments, philanthropic organizations and safety activists around the world use these guidance documents to inform decisions about road safety priorities, strategies, investments and targets.

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