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P5.006 Road safety information and knowledge management model
  1. Justyna Wacowska-Slezak
  1. Motor Transport Institute, Warsaw, Poland


Context Every year there are over 35,000 road accidents in Poland, in which over 3000 people are killed and more than 40,000 are injured. Road accidents constitute a very heavy financial burden, they cost the state over PLN 33 billion a year (more than the state’s expenditure on health care, education and higher education together), which accounts for almost 3% of GDP.

Process The interdisciplinary theoretical basis for the model was formulated. The review of good practices in the development of information systems concerning road safety to identify effective solutions was carried out.

Analysis Numerous analyses were carried out, including an analysis of the main road safety problems in Poland and around the world. It covered the issues related to the need for: scientific research on road safety, collection and arrangement of road safety data, coordination of activities concerning road safety, as well as monitoring of undertaken activities and dissemination of knowledge and good practices in road safety.

Outcomes Road safety information and knowledge management model can provide effective support to good decision making when designing and implementing road safety policies.

Learning Outcomes This model allows to collect, store, process, analyse, and make data, information, and knowledge available in the area of road safety. It constitutes a solid, reliable, and credible source of information for policy makers when developing road safety policies and strategies. This tool can be constantly improved, and data collection can be systematically expanded.

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