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1D.004 Strengthening road safety policies: examples from philippines, China, India and Tanzania
  1. Mena El-Turky,
  2. Angela Bruce-Raeburn,
  3. Lexi Bullick
  1. Global Health Advocacy Incubator, Washington, USA


Context The Global Health Advocacy Incubator’s (GHAI’s) support for road safety policy change across four countries provides lessons for advocates across diverse geographic and political contexts.

Process GHAI supports civil society organizations that advocate for public health policies with a proven, systematic approach that includes financial and technical assistance in the areas of advocacy, communications and legal support. GHAI’s Road Safety program supports coalitions in China, India, Philippines and Tanzania. Lessons from countries where laws have now been passed are informing advocacy in the other countries.

Analysis Global best practices have been adapted to local and national political, legal and regulatory systems. Some campaigns focus on building government ownership, others center on improving media coverage to build public support, and across all there is a focus on building a strong network of civil society supporting road safety policies.

Outcomes Following advocacy campaigns, the Philippines’ first child restraint bill for motor vehicles and a comprehensive new road safety bill in India were both signed into law in 2019. The lessons learned are now being applied in other countries. GHAI is building media capacity with our partners to be able to inform public awareness, mobilizing civil society networks and helping stakeholders prepare for implementation of newly passed laws.

Learning Outcomes Participants will learn: How to adapt advocacy strategies for safe systems to their own country contexts; universal lessons about the importance of partnerships and media advocacy in policy change; and how policy change can be used to further prevent injury and death.

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